Relation between the rate of convergence of strong law of large numbers and the rate of concentration of Bayesian prior in game-theoretic probability

8 Aug, 2017. Online
28 July 2017. accepted by SPA

Relation between the rate of convergence of strong law of large numbers and the rate of concentration of Bayesian prior in game-theoretic probability
(with R. Sato and A. Takemura)

Full paper

Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Volume 128, Issue 5, May 2018, Pages 1466-1484
The page at SPA

We study the behavior of the capital process of a continuous Bayesian mixture of fixed proportion
betting strategies in the one-sided unbounded forecasting game in game-theoretic probability. We
establish the relation between the rate of convergence of the strong law of large numbers in the selfnormalized
form and the rate of divergence to infinity of the prior density around the origin. In
particular we present prior densities ensuring the validity of Erdos–Feller–Kolmogorov–Petrowsky ˝
law of the iterated logarithm.


Randomness and Solovay degrees

19 Mar 2018, online
5 Mar 2018, accepted by JLA

Randomness and Solovay degrees
(with A. Nies and F. Stephan)

Full paper

Journal of Logic and Analysis, Vol 10, pp.1–13, 2018.
Open access

We consider the behaviour of Schnorr randomness, a randomness notion weaker than Martin-L\”of’s, for left-r.e. reals under Solovay reducibility. Contrasting with results on Martin-L\”of-randomenss, we show that Schnorr randomness is not upward closed in the Solovay degrees. Next, some left-r.e. Schnorr random $\alpha$ is the sum of two left-r.e. reals that are far from random. We also show that the left-r.e. reals of effective dimension $>r$, for some rational $r$, form a filter in the Solovay degrees.
